School Report Card: This week, Fauci tells colleges not to send students home; White House adviser calls COVID-19 school closures 'hysterical'
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Hundreds of students were quarantined in Utah after COVID-19 wastewater testing revealed elevated levels of the virus. And a Montana preschool shut down when a student tested positive.
Broadly speaking, clothes can be divided into two categories: ‘trend’ and ‘timeless‘. While it’s worth noting that not all timeless pieces are flawless investments and not all trends are throw-away, the fact remains that some styles just seem to remain consistent over the decades (think trench coats and white tees), while others are rooted in a particular place and time. However, every […]
There haven’t been many calls for elaborate footwear during the pandemic. Many of us—and I realise I’m generalising here—have spent lockdown and the ensuing lack of socialising in Birkenstocks and joggers. Even now, with the restrictions somewhat lifted, we remain in flowing dresses and comfortable footwear. It’s surprising then that shoes costing the average price of renting a […]
Since the start of October, I’ve been wearing a handful of items on rotation. Admittedly, one of them is joggers, which I think is justified after neglecting them for the best part of the summer. Another? Knitted dresses—specifically, long-sleeve knitted dresses. As a dress person who’s prone to feeling the cold, I’m excited at the […]