
Fictional Hooper Bracket: Billy Hoyle is the king of the silver screen

When Billy Hoyle told Sidney Deane he’s hustled players a helluva lot better than him, I was skeptical. How many times can you show up to a pickup game and aww shucks your way into a wad of cash? Well after six rounds and thousands of votes, it seems the scheme is still humming along. […]


Fictional Hooper Bracket: Hickory Region

Welcome to the old-head section of the bracket. There’s a lot of striped socks and short shorts in this region, so it’s only right that these games are played in the dusty gym in Hickory, Ind. JImmy Chitwood catches a break getting in order to play at home, but he’s not the upset that is […]


The Fictional Hooper Bracket: Western University Region

The regional sites worked out well for Monica Wright McCall. Western University and USC are on different sides of L.A., but she’s still at home. However, if she advances to the regional final, as expected, another hometown hero might be waiting for her, the trash-talkingest king of the Venice Beach courts Sidney… Read more…


The Fictional Hooper Bracket: Venice Beach Region

It’s basketball time folks. Ignore Tom Brady trying to own the spotlight on Selection Sunday and decipher Progressive Insurance sales representative Baker Mayfield’s social media post later, and give the hardwood the attention it deserves. It’s almost spring, hit the CBS music, pull Ernie, Kenny, and Chuck off the… Read more…


The sports and athletes we’re thankful for…

It’s that time of year where most of us prepare to eat ourselves into a stupor over the next few days, kick back, watch football and enjoy friends and family. More importantly, it’s the time where we give thanks for the things we’re thankful for in life. Read more…