
CentOS replacement distro Rocky Linux’s first general release is out

Enlarge / Rocky Linux 8.4 (Green Obsidian) is bug-for-bug compatible with RHEL 8.4 and should serve admirably as a CentOS Linux replacement. (credit: RESF) Rocky Linux—one of at least two new distributions created to fill the void left when CentOS Linux was discontinued by parent corporation Red Hat—announced general availability of Rocky Linux 8.4 today. […]


CentOS replacement distro AlmaLinux gets commercial support options

We installed a copy of AlmaLinux this morning—it installed quickly and easily in a process very similar to Fedora’s. [credit: Jim Salter ] Today, CloudLinux Inc announced that it will offer commercial support for the AlmaLinux community distribution. The new support plans will be available next week and will include regular patches and updates for […]


Rocky Linux gets a parent company, with $4m Series A funding

Enlarge / Ctrl IQ provided us with this diagram of its proposed technology stack. (Thankfully, spelling correction is not one of the core services Ctrl IQ offers.) (credit: Ctrl IQ) Gregory Kurtzer, co-founder of the now-defunct CentOS Linux distribution, has founded a new startup company called Ctrl IQ which will serve in part as a […]


CentOS is gone—but RHEL is now free for up to 16 production servers

Enlarge / CentOS used to be the preferred way to get RHEL compatibility at no cost. CentOS is gone now—but Red Hat is extending no-cost options for RHEL further than ever before. (credit: Red Hat / DFCisneros) Last month, Red Hat caused a lot of consternation in the enthusiast and small business Linux world when […]


Where can I go today that CentOS Linux has been now gone? Check our listing

Expand (charge: Red Hat) Within an abrupt statement before this past week, Red Hat murdered off the free-as-in-beer CentOS version of the flagship supply, Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The statement –that clearly said”CentOS Stream isn’t a substitute for CentOS Linux”–abandoned tens of thousands of CentOS users amazed and confused. Oftentimes, CentOS users’d migrated into CentOS […]


CentOS Linux is dead–and Red Hat States Stream is”not a replacement”

Expand / Appears like CentOS Linux will probably be sleeping with the fishes. (charge: Aurich Lawson / / Getty Images) On Tuesday, Red Hat CTO Chris Wright along with CentOS Community Manager Rich Bowen every single declared that a Huge shift in the near long run and operate of CentOS Linux. Moving ahead, there’ll not […]