Fashion Girls Can’t Stop Wearing These Pretty Winter Makeup Trends
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As we make our way through the last days of crisp autumn into the depths winter, it’s become more and more clear that we’re traversing unprecedented times. IRL interactions are still limited, and even when they do occur, masks and face coverings keep us from taking in each other’s mugs the way we once could. Despite all of this, there are still some makeup trends that have taken hold that speak to the times and prove that fashion girls will continue to serve face, even if only over Zoom and Instagram. No surprises there—am I right?
While the vampy wintery vibes of yesteryear aren’t quite as strong, the looks are still perfect for channeling the seasonal shift in style. From bold lip moments to chic eye shadow and even an unexpected remix on how to use blush, we’ve identified the 10 autumn/winter makeup looks with the most legs. Ahead, check them out and shop through the best makeup to pull off the looks at home.
Colonial Pipeline, l’opérateur de l’oléoduc américain paralysé par une cyberattaque le week-end dernier, a annoncé samedi un retour à la normale de ses opérations avec la livraison de « millions » de litres d’essence dans les stations-service d’une partie du pays, où la situation reste toutefois compliquée. « Tous les marchés » de l’opérateur, une quinzaine d’Etats du Texas […]
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Der 1. FC Nürnberg stellt sich trotz der jüngsten Schwächephase von Fortuna Düsseldorf auf ein kniffliges Auswärtsspiel in der 2. Fußball-Bundesliga im Rheinland ein. “Das wird eine richtig große Herausforderung, da wartet schon ein Brett auf uns”, prognostizierte “Club”-Trainer Robert Klauß vor der